King County Moon Phases
Rise at 7:14 am, Set at 9:57 pm
7:12 am9:55 pmRentonRise at 7:12 am, Set at 9:55 pm
7:12 am9:55 pmKentRise at 7:12 am, Set at 9:55 pm
7:10 am9:53 pmSkykomishRise at 7:10 am, Set at 9:53 pm
7:12 am9:55 pmSnoqualmieRise at 7:12 am, Set at 9:55 pm
7:13 am9:54 pmEnumclawRise at 7:13 am, Set at 9:54 pm
- Adelaide
- Agren Memorial Park
- Algona
- Alki
- Alki Beach Park
- Alki Point
- Allen Lake
- Allentown
- Alpental Ski Area
- Alturas Lake
- Ames Lake
- Andrews Bay
- Angeline Lake
- Angle Lake
- Annette Lake
- Arbor Heights
- Arbor Lake
- Arthur Johnson Park
- Atlantic
- Auburn
- Auburn Academy Airport
- Auburn Game Farm Park
- Auburn Municipal Airport
- Avondale
- Azunite Lake
- Ballard
- Bandera State Airport
- Baring
- Bass Lake
- Beacon Hill
- Bear Creek
- Bear Lake
- Beaux Arts Village
- Beaver Lake Park
- Bellevue
- Belltown
- Bergseth Field
- Big Finn Hill Park
- Big Heart Lake
- Big Snow Lake
- Bitter Lake
- Black Diamond
- Black Diamond Airport
- Black Diamond Bridge State Park
- Black Diamond Lake
- Black Lake
- Black River Riparian Forest
- Blythe Park
- Boulevard Lane Park
- Bow Lake
- Boyle Lake
- Brace Point
- Briarcliff
- Bridges Lake
- Bridle Trails
- Bridle Trails State Park
- Brighton
- Broadview
- Broadway
- Bryan Airport
- Bryant
- Bryn Mawr-Skyway
- Burien
- Burien Lake
- Burton
- Burton Acres Park
- Calligan Lake
- Camp Long
- Camp Sealth
- Canal Entrance Light
- Capitol Hill
- Carkeek Park
- Carnation
- Carole Lake
- Cascade
- Cascade-Fairwood
- Cascade Park
- Cedar Grove Natural Area
- Cedar Heights
- Cedar River Dog Park
- Celebration Park
- Centennial Park Kitsap
- Central Houghton
- Central Seattle
- Chester Morse Lake
- Chestnut Ridge Park
- Chetwoot Lake
- Christensen Cove
- Christopher
- Clyde Hill
- Coal Creek
- Coal Creek Park
- Columbia City
- Coney Lake
- Copper Lake
- Cottage Lake
- Cougar Lake
- Cougar Mountain
- Covington
- Crater Lake
- Crawford Lake
- Crest Airpark
- Crestwoods
- Crossroads
- Crown Hill
- Crystal Lake
- Cumberland
- Deception Lakes
- Deep Lake
- Deer Lake
- Delridge
- Delta Lake
- Denny Creek
- Denny Lake
- Derrick Lake
- Des Moines
- Discovery Park
- Dockton
- Doctor Jose Rizal Park
- Dolphin Point
- Douglas Park
- Downtown Redmond
- Downtown Renton
- Downtown Seattle
- Dream Lake
- Dumas Bay
- Dunlap
- Duvall
- Duvall Park
- Duwamish
- Duwamish Head
- Duwamish Waterway
- Eagle Lake
- Eagle Landing Park
- East Hill-Meridian
- East Lake Hills
- East Passage-Des Moines
- East Queen Anne
- East Renton Highlands
- East Seattle
- Eastgate
- Eastgate Park
- Eastlake
- Ebright Creek Park
- Ed Munro Seahurst Park
- Edds Lake
- Education Hill
- English Hill
- Enumclaw
- Enumclaw Airport
- Evans Creek Preserve
- Evans Lake
- Everest
- Evergreen Sky Ranch Airport
- Factoria
- Fairmount Park
- Fairwood
- Fall City
- Fall City Airport
- Farrel McWhirther Park
- Fauntleroy
- Fauntleroy Cove
- Federal Way
- Federation Forest State Park
- Fern Cove
- Fifteenmile Creek
- Findley Lake
- First Hill
- Fish Lake
- Fisher Creek Park
- Fisher Lake
- Fisher Pond
- Fishers Pond
- Fivemile Lake
- Flaming Geyser State Park
- Four Lakes
- Fremont
- Fury Lake
- Game Farm Wilderness Park
- Gatewood
- Gem Lake
- Gene Coulon Memorial Beach Park
- Genesee
- Georgetown
- Gilman
- Ginder Lake
- Glacier Lake
- Glen Nelson Park
- Goat Lake
- Goat Mountain Lake
- Gold Beach
- Gold Creek County Park
- Gold Lake
- Golden Gardens
- Gouging Lake
- Grass Lake
- Grass Lawn
- Gravel Lake
- Greater Duwamish
- Green Lake
- Green Ridge Lake
- Green River Gorge Conservation Area
- Green River Gorge State Park
- Greenwood
- Grotto
- Groveland Park
- Haller Lake
- Harbor Island
- Harmon Ridge
- Harrison Denny Blaine
- Hazelwood Park
- Hester Lake
- Hi-Low Lake
- Hicks Lake
- High Point
- Highland Park
- Highlands
- Highline
- Highpointe
- Hilltop
- Hobart
- Holly Park
- Hollywood Hill
- Honey Lake
- Horseshoe Lake
- Houghton
- Howard A Hanson Reservoir
- Hunts Point
- Hyde Lake
- Iceberg
- Industrial District East
- Industrial District West
- Inglewood
- Inglewood-Finn Hill
- Interbay
- International District
- Island Lakes
- Issaquah
- Issaquah Highlands
- Kaleetan Lake
- Kanaskat
- Kanaskat Palmer State Park
- Kangley
- Keevie Lake
- Kellogg Island
- Kenmore
- Kenmore Air Harbor Inc SPB
- Kenmore Air Harbor SPB
- Kennydale
- Kent
- Kimball Creek Swamp
- King County International Airport Boeing Field
- Kings Lake Bog Natural Area Preserve
- Kingsgate
- Kirkland
- Klaus Lake
- Krain
- La Bohn Lakes
- Lake Alice
- Lake Boren
- Lake Boren Park
- Lake Caroline
- Lake City
- Lake Clarice
- Lake Desire
- Lake Dolloff
- Lake Dorothy
- Lake Elizabeth
- Lake Fenwick
- Lake Forest Park
- Lake Francis Park
- Lake Geneva
- Lake Hancock
- Lake Hills Greenbelt Park
- Lake Holm
- Lake Isabella
- Lake Jean
- Lake Joy
- Lake Kanim
- Lake Kathleen
- Lake Killarney
- Lake Kittyprince
- Lake Kulla Kulla
- Lake Leota
- Lake Liswoot
- Lake Loreene
- Lake Lucerne
- Lake MacDonald
- Lake Malachite
- Lake Marcel-Stillwater
- Lake Margaret
- Lake Meridian
- Lake Meridian Park
- Lake Moolock
- Lake Morton
- Lake Morton-Berrydale
- Lake Nadeau
- Lake Number Twelve
- Lake Philippa
- Lake Sammamish
- Lake Sawyer
- Lake Tradition
- Lake Union
- Lake Washington
- Lake Washington Boulevard Park
- Lake Wilderness Park
- Lake Youngs
- Lake Youngs Park
- Lakeland North
- Lakeland South
- Lakeview
- Langlois Lake
- Larsen Lake
- Laurelhurst
- Lawton Park
- Lea Hill
- Leota
- Leschi
- Leschi Park
- Lester State Ultralight Flightpark
- Lewis Creek Park
- Licton Springs
- Lincoln Park
- Little Eagle Lake
- Little Heart Lake
- Loch Katrine
- Locket Lake
- Lockheed Shipyard
- Loutsis Dam
- Lower Garfield Mountain Lake
- Lower Queen Anne
- Lower Tuscohatchie Lake
- Lower Wildcat Lake
- Lowman Beach
- Loyal Heights
- Lunker Lake
- Luther Burbank Park
- Lynch Lake
- MacFarland Park
- Madison Park
- Madrona
- Magnolia Bluff
- Majerle Strip STOLport
- Mann
- Maple Heights-Lake Desire
- Maple Hills Park
- Maple Leaf
- Maple Valley
- Market
- Marmot Lake
- Marten Lake
- Martha Washington Park
- Marymoor Off-Leash Dog Park
- Mason Lake
- Masonry Pool
- Matthews Beach
- May Creek Park
- McLeod Lake
- McMicken Heights
- Meadow Point
- Meadowbrook
- Medina
- Melakwa Lake
- Mercer Island
- Mercer Slough Nature Park
- Metcalf Lake
- Meydenbauer Bay
- Middle Bear Creek Natural Area
- Midway
- Miller Park
- Minor
- Mirror Lake
- Mirrormont
- Montlake
- Montreux
- Morningside
- Moss Bay
- Mount Baker
- Newcastle
- Newcastle Beach Park
- Newport
- Newport Hills
- Nike Site Park
- Nolte State Park
- Nordrum Lake
- Norkirk
- Normandy Beach
- Normandy Park
- North Admiral
- North Beach Blue Ridge
- North Beacon Hill
- North City
- North Delridge
- North Fork Snoqualmie
- North Industrial
- North Issaquah
- North Juanita
- North Lake
- North Queen Anne
- North Redmond
- North Rose Hill
- North SeaTac Park
- North Seattle
- Northeast Bellevue
- Northeast Seattle
- Northeast Vashon Park
- Northgate
- Northwest Bellevue
- Northwest Seattle
- OBrians Lake
- OBrien
- Olallie Lake
- Olallie State Park
- Old Ballard
- Olde Town
- Olympic Hills
- Orillia
- Osceola
- Otter Lake
- Overcoat Lake
- Overlake
- Pacific
- Pacific City Park
- Palmer
- Paradise Cove
- Paradise Lake
- Paradise Lakes
- Park Pointe
- Peter Point
- Phantom Lake
- Phinney Ridge
- Pike Place Market
- PikePine
- Pine Lake
- Pinehurst
- Piner Point
- Pipe Lake
- Pipers Creek Entrance
- Point Beals
- Point Dalco
- Point Heyer
- Point Robinson
- Point Williams
- Pontiac Bay
- Portage
- Portage Bay
- Poverty Bay
- Pratt Lake
- Preston
- Providence Point
- Ptarmigan Lakes
- Puget Park
- Puget Sound-Seattle
- Rainier Beach
- Rainier View
- Rasmussen Lake
- Rattlesnake Lake
- Rattlesnake Mountain
- Rattlesnake Mountain Scenic Area
- Ravenna
- Ravensdale
- Ravensdale Lake
- Redmond
- Redmond Ridge
- Redmond Ridge East
- Redmond Watershed Preserve
- Redondo
- Renton
- Renton Municipal Airport
- Retreat Lake
- Richmond Beach
- Richmond Beach Park
- Richmond Highlands
- Riverbend
- Riverton
- Riverton-Boulevard Park
- Riverview
- Riverview Playfield
- Ron Regis Park
- Roosevelt
- Roxhill
- Roxhill Park
- Russell Woods Park
- Saint Edward State Park
- Salmon Bay Entrance
- Salmon Creek
- Saltwater State Park
- Sammamish
- Sammamish Valley
- Sand Point
- Sandford Point
- Schmitz Park
- Seahurst
- Seattle
- Seattle CBD
- Seattle Seaplanes SPB
- Seattle-Tacoma International Airport
- Seaview
- Secoma Beach
- Selleck
- Seola Park
- Seward Park
- Shadow Lake
- Shady Lake
- Shore Acres
- Shoreline
- Shorewood
- Sinkhole Lake
- Skate Park
- Skykomish
- Skykomish State Airport
- SMC Lake
- Snoqualmie
- Snoqualmie Lake
- Snow Lake
- Soaring Eagle Regional Park
- Somerset
- Soos Creek Park
- South-Lake Union
- South Beacon Hill
- South Delridge
- South Fork Tolt Reservoir
- South Juanita
- South Park
- South Rose Hill
- Southeast Magnolia
- Southeast Redmond
- Space Needle
- Spider Lake
- Sportsman Park
- Spring Beach
- Spring Lake
- Squak Mountain
- Squak Mountain State Park Natural Area
- Star Lake
- Steel Lake
- Steel Lake Park
- Stevens
- Stevens Pass Ski Area
- Sunday Lake
- Sunset Beach
- Sunset Hill
- Surprise Lake
- Sycamore
- Tahlequah
- Talapus Lake
- Talus
- Tanner
- Taylor Park
- The Hedges
- The Wedge
- Thompson Lake
- Three Forks Natural Area
- Three Tree Point
- Tibbetts Creek Valley
- Tiger Mountain State Forest
- Timberlake Park
- Tol-MacDonald Park and Campground
- Totem Lake
- Tourist District
- Town Center
- Triangle Park
- Trilogy
- Trout Lake
- Tsuga Lakes
- Tukwila
- Tuscany
- Tuscohatchie Lake
- Union Bay
- Union Hill-Novelty Hill
- University District
- Upper Garfield Mountain Lake
- Upper Loch Katrine
- Upper Wildcat Lake
- Valley Industrial
- Valley Ridge Park
- Van Dorens Landing Park
- Vashon
- Vashon Landing
- Vashon Municipal Airport
- Victory Heights
- View Ridge
- Viewpoint
- Walker Lake
- Wallingford
- Walsh Lake
- Washington Park
- Watershed Park
- Wax Orchards Airport
- Webster Lake
- Wedgwood
- Welcome Lake
- Wellington
- West Bellevue
- West Lake Hills
- West Lake Sammamish
- West Point Light
- West Queen Anne
- West Ridge
- West Woodland
- Westlake
- Westside Park
- White Center
- White Lake
- White River Mill Pond
- Whittier Heights
- Wilburton
- Wilderness Lake
- Wilderness Village
- Will Rogers Wiley Post Memorial SPB
- Willow-Rose Hill
- Wilson Playfields
- Windermere
- Windermere Park
- Woodinville
- Woodmont Beach
- Woodridge