New Hanover County Moon Phases
Rise at 6:32 am, Set at 6:52 pm
6:32 am6:52 pmKure BeachRise at 6:32 am, Set at 6:52 pm
6:32 am6:52 pmCastle HayneRise at 6:32 am, Set at 6:52 pm
6:32 am6:52 pmWrightsville BeachRise at 6:32 am, Set at 6:52 pm
- Abbingtondale At Victoria Place
- Abbotts Run
- Airlie Brook
- Airlie Forest
- Airlie Gardens
- Airlie Place
- Airlie Professional Center
- Airlie West
- Andrews Reach
- Ardmore
- Ariel Cove
- Ashley Forest
- Ashton
- Audubon
- Autumn Brook
- Autumn Creek At Henleigh Hills
- Avenir
- Avenshire
- Avondale
- Azalea Heights
- Azalea Trace
- Barclay Commons
- Barclay Hills
- Bay Colony
- Bayshore
- Beasley on Masonboro
- Beasley Village
- Beaumont
- Beaver Creek
- Bel Arbor
- Belmont
- Belvedere
- Bentley Gardens
- Bexley
- Birchwood Park
- Birkdale
- Boathouse Village
- Bradley Creek
- Bradley Creek East
- Bradley Creek Point
- Bradley Heights
- Bradley Hills
- Bradley Park
- Bradley Pines
- Bradley Place
- Bradley View
- Brassfield
- Brightmore Liberty
- Brooks Landing
- Cabriolet
- Cambry Downs
- Camellia Heights
- Cameron
- Cameron Properties
- Camp Wright
- Campus Heights
- Caneel Cove
- Cape Cottages
- Cape Fear
- Cape Fear River-Barnards Creek Entrance
- Cape Fear River-Doctor Point
- Cape Fear River-Federal Point
- Cape Fear River-Keg Island
- Cape Fear River-Mott Creek Entrance
- Cape Fear River-Peters Point
- Cape Fear River-Snows Cut Entrance
- Cardinal Place
- Carleton Place
- Carolina Beach
- Carolina Beach Inlet
- Carolina Beach State Park
- Carolina Place
- Carriage Hills
- Castle Hayne
- Castlewood
- Cavalier Woods
- Cedar Island North
- Cedar Landing
- Cedar Ridge
- Chariots Run
- Churchill Drive
- Clarendon Park
- Clearbrook
- Cliffside
- Cobblestone
- College Acres
- College Oleander Center
- College Park
- Colonial Village
- Colony Woods
- Colton Park
- Commons
- Cornerstone
- Cottages At Cornerstone
- Cottages At Hewletts Creek
- Courtyard At Renaissance Park
- Courtyards
- Cove Point
- Creekwood North
- Crescent Heights
- Crooked Creek
- Eagles Nest
- East Wilmington Park
- Eastern Forest
- Eastport
- Eastwind
- Eastwood Heights
- Eastwood Village
- Echo East
- Echo Farms
- Echo Farms Townhouses
- Echo Greens
- Echo Ridge
- Elk Run
- Emerald Cove
- Emerald Square
- Englewood
- Evergreen Park
- Fairfield Park
- Fairlawn
- Fawn Creek
- Figure Eight Island
- First Hills
- Florence Montford
- Forest Hills
- Forest Park
- Fort Fisher
- Fort Fisher State Recreation Area
- Fox
- Foxcroft
- Franklin Square
- Freeman Park
- Garden City
- Georgia Place
- Giovanni Point
- Glen Arden
- Glen Meade
- Grainger Point
- Gray Gables
- Green Arbor Pointe
- Green Howe Dr
- Green Meadow
- Greenacres
- Greenfield Lake
- Greentree
- Greenville Heights
- Greenville Manor
- Greenville Sound Gardens
- Greenway Village
- Greenwood
- Greymarsh Crossing
- Halcyon Forest
- Hampton Place
- Hampton Trace
- Hanover Heights
- Hanover Place
- Harbor Square
- Harmony Cove
- Harris
- Harvest Grove
- Hawthorne Court
- Hawthorne Park
- Headwater Cove
- Hearthside
- Heide Place
- Heron Run
- Herring Pass
- Hewletts Run
- Hidden Forest
- Highland Hills
- Hightsville
- Highwood Park
- Hillcrest
- Hillsdale
- Hinton Oaks
- Hock
- Holly Downs
- Holly Glen
- Holly Pointe
- Holly Tree
- Hollydowns West
- Hollyholm
- Homlock
- Hospital Plaza Office Park
- Houston Moore
- Hugh Macrae
- Hunting Ridge
- Idlewild
- Independence East
- Independence Mall
- Independence South Townhouses
- Inland Greens
- Irongate Office Park
- Lake Sutton
- Lakeside Park
- Lakeside Village
- Lakeview
- Lakeview Terrace
- Landfall
- Landfall Park
- Landis Farms
- Lands End
- Lansdowne South
- Leeward Village
- Lennon Woods
- Liberty Commons Center
- Lincoln Forest
- Lions Gate Townhouses
- Live Oak
- Live Oak South Townhouses
- Live Oaks on Masonboro
- Long Leaf Hills
- Long Leaf Mall
- Longleaf Acres
- Longley Industrial
- Longwood
- Love Grove
- Lucia Point
- Lullwater Village
- Maccumber Terrace
- Magnolia Heights
- Magnolia Place Oleander
- Magnolia Plantation
- Manhattan
- Manorhouse Retirement Center
- Market Street Heights
- Market Street Office Park
- Marsh Landing
- Marshes
- Marywood
- Mason Inlet
- Mason Knoll
- Masonboro
- Masonboro Inlet
- Masonboro Island
- Masonborough Plantation
- Masons Ridge
- Maxwell Place
- Mayfaire
- Mayfaire Hotel Park
- Mayfaire Office Park
- Mayfaire Town Center
- Medical Arts Center
- Megans Place
- Mercer Place West
- Merestone
- Mews
- Middleborough
- Millbrook
- Monks Corner
- Montclair Company
- Monthomery Place
- Muirfield At Landfall
- Mulberry Place
- Murraysville
- Myrtle Grove
- Myrtle Grove Farms
- Myrtlewood
- Nantucket
- New Centre
- New Han Regional Medical Center
- New Hanover Medical Park
- Newhall
- Noremac Hills
- North Kerr Office Park
- Northside
- Oak Crest
- Oak Village At Airlie
- Oakcrest
- Oakmont
- Oakridge
- Octavia
- Ogden
- Ogden Park
- Olde Camden
- Oleander
- Oleander Crossing
- Oleander Memorial Gardens
- Oleander Oaks
- Olson Park
- Osprey Point
- Owen Hall
- Oxford Place
- Oyster Bay
- Page Place
- Palmetto Point
- Park Place
- Park Walk
- Parkside
- Parsley Woods
- Passage Point
- Perry Place
- Pig Fish Lane
- Pilots Ridge Airport
- Pine Court
- Pine Grove
- Pine Hills
- Pine Meadows
- Pine Terrace
- Pinecliff
- Pinecrest Terrace
- Piney Acres
- Pineywoods
- Pirates Cove
- Pointe Summerset
- Pond Crossing
- Preservation Park
- Preston Woods
- Prestwick
- Prince George Creek-Castle Hayne
- Princess Place
- Purviance
- Quad
- Rabbit Run
- Rachel Gardens
- Racine Drive Commercial
- Raintree
- Regency Square
- Renaissance Park
- Reserve At Masonboro
- Ridgewood Heights
- Rivers Edge
- Rogers
- Roland Heights
- Rose Bank
- Rosemont
- Sandfiddler Point
- Sandy Wood
- Sandybrook
- Sawgrass
- Scottsdale
- Sea Breeze
- Sea Pines
- Seabreeze Park
- Seagate
- Seagate Park
- Seagate Village
- Seahawk Square
- Seasons in Evergreen Park
- Seaspray Landing
- Sequoia Place
- Seria Sue Scott
- Settlers Landing
- Shamrock Village
- Shell Island
- Sherwood Forest
- Shinn Point
- Shinnwood
- Shipyard Associates
- Shipyard Commons
- Shipyard Plaza
- Shorewood Hills
- Skippers Corner
- Sleepy Hollow
- Smith Creek Park
- Somersett
- Sounds Edge
- South of Woodberry
- South Oleander
- South Park
- South Wilmington Heights
- South Wilmington Place
- Southern Oaks At Bradley Creek
- Southgate
- Spofford
- Springview
- St James Village
- Steeplechase
- Stokley Centre
- Stone Builders
- Stonebridge
- Stonegate
- Stonesthrow
- Stonington
- Stratford Court
- Stratford Place
- Summer Haven
- Summer Haven Village
- Summer Hills
- Summer Oaks
- Summer Rest Landing
- Summerlin Falls
- Sun Valley
- Sunn Aire
- Sunnyvale
- Sunset Park
- Sunset South
- Surrey Downs
- Sycamore Hollow
- Tall Tree
- Tanbridge Park
- Tara Court
- Teal Trace
- The Creeks
- The Gates
- The Promenade
- Thickett
- Tidal Creeks
- Tidal Reach
- Tifton Park
- Tree Hill Point
- Trutle Hall
- Turnberry
- Turnstone
- Twin Magnolias
- Twinwood
- Tyndall
- Valley Hills
- Victoria Place
- Victoria Village
- Victory Gardens
- Village at Greenfield
- Village At Mayfaire
- Virginia Woods
- Wade Park
- Wallace Avenue
- Walton Wood
- Waterway
- West Audubon
- Westfall Park
- Westport
- Westwood Heights
- Whiskey Creek Est
- Whisper Creek
- Whispering Pines
- White Hall
- Whitehurst
- Wholesale Park
- Willanda
- Williams
- Willoughby Park
- Willow Woods
- Wilm
- Wilm Properties
- Wilmington
- Wilmington Beach
- Wilmington International Airport
- Wilmington Marketplace
- Wilmington Medical Park
- Wilshire Woods
- Windchase
- Windemere
- Windgrove
- Windtree
- Windward
- Windward Oaks
- Winter Park
- Winterwood
- Wisteria Place
- Wood Acres
- Woodale
- Woodberry Forest
- Woodbridge
- Woodcrest
- Woodland Park
- Woodlawn
- Wrightsboro
- Wrightsville Avenue Office Park
- Wrightsville Beach
- Wrightsville Green
- Wrightsville Place
- Wrightsville Sound Village