Larimer County Moon Phases
Rise at 7:45 am, Set at 10:48 pm
7:45 am10:48 pmWellingtonRise at 7:45 am, Set at 10:48 pm
7:45 am10:48 pmLovelandRise at 7:45 am, Set at 10:48 pm
7:47 am10:50 pmEstes ParkRise at 7:47 am, Set at 10:50 pm
- Bellvue
- Bellwether Farm
- Berthoud
- Bighorn Mountain
- Bison Ridge
- Brightwater Crossing
- Brittany Knolls
- Buckeye
- Buckingham
- Burns Ranch
- Campion
- Capitol Hill
- Casa Grande
- Cedar Village
- Centerra
- Christman Field
- City Park Heights
- Clarendon Hills
- Clark Peak
- Collindale
- Cottonwood
- Cottonwood Hollow Natural Area
- Coventry
- Crystal Lakes Airport
- Fairbrooke
- Falcon Ridge
- Foothills Park
- Fort Collins
- Fort Collins-Loveland Municipal Airport
- Fossil Lake
- Fox Creek
- Fox Hills
- Foxstone
- Hagues Peak
- Hampshire Square
- Hanna Farm Neighbors
- Harmony
- Harmony Crossing
- Harmony Park
- Harvest Park
- Hat-Field STOLport
- Hearthfire
- Heatheridge Lakes
- Hickory Hill
- Hickory Village
- Highlander Heights
- Historic Fort Collins High School
- Homestead
- Horsetooth Mountain Park
- Huntington Hills
- Lake Sherwood Corporation
- Laporte
- Laramie Mountains HP
- Laurie
- Lazy W Airport
- Le Jardin
- Leeper MHP
- Lexington Green
- Lind
- Linden Park
- Livermore
- Lory State Park
- Loveland
- Mantz
- Maple Hill
- Martinez Park
- Masonville
- McGregor Mountain
- Meadowlark
- Meadows East
- Milfred Acres
- Miramont
- Mission Hills
- Moore
- Morningside
- Mountain View Heights
- Mulberry Hill
- Oakridge Village
- Observatory Village
- Old Prospect
- Old Roach
- Old Town
- Old Town North
- Old Town West
- Owl Canyon Gliderport
- Paragon Point
- Parkwood
- Parkwood East
- Pheasant Ridge
- Pinecone
- Ponds Field
- Poudre Plains
- Prospect Shields
- Prospect at Spring Meadows
- Provincetowne
- Rams Village
- Red Feather Lakes
- Redwood Meadows
- Registry Ridge
- Richards Lake
- Ridge West
- Ridgewood Hills
- Rigden Farm
- River Rock
- River West
- Rogers Park
- Roosevelt National Forest
- Rossborough
- Sage Creek
- Scotch Pines
- Shenandoah
- Side Hill
- Silver Oaks
- Skyline Acres
- Skyline MHP
- South College Heights
- South Sheldon Lake
- Southmoor Village
- Southridge Greens
- Sprague Airport
- Spring Creek Village
- Stadium Heights
- Stanton Creek
- Stetson Creek
- Stone Ridge
- Stonehenge
- Storybrook
- Stover Area
- Sunflower
- Tennyson Heights
- The Landings
- The Preserve
- The Ridge
- Thunder-Moor
- Thunderbird East
- Thunderbird Heights
- Timber Creek
- Timberline Village
- Timnath
- Trail Head
- Trail West
- Troutman Park
- Twin Sisters Peak East